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​National Provider Identifier (NPI) Information


NPI Registration - Form and instructions related to the paper registration of NPI information with DHS.

If you need to contact someone with a specific question about NPI please complete the Contact Us form.

Provider Type/Provider Specialty to Taxonomy Crosswalk

Atypical Provider Types and Specialties - The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) defines atypical providers as providers that do not provide health care. This is further defined under HIPAA in Federal regulations at 45 CFR 160.103. Taxi services, home and vehicle modifications, and respite services are examples of atypical providers reimbursed by the Medicaid program. Even if these atypical providers submit HIPAA transactions, they still do not meet the HIPAA definition of health care and should not receive an NPI number. Therefore, atypical providers will not be on the DHS Taxonomy Crosswalk posted on the DHS NPI website.

There are times when a health care provider will deliver an atypical service at a health care service location and a NPI number must be used. For example, a nursing facility is a health care provider; however, the facility operates an adult day care center at the same service location. The adult day care center does not provide direct health care services and would be considered an atypical provider. The nursing facility must use a NPI even though the service the claim is generated for is an atypical (non-health care) service.

Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services, CMS - Learn more about NPI and how to apply by visiting the CMSwebsite. A countdown clock is available on this page to remind health care providers of the number of days left before the compliance date; bookmark this page as new information and resources will continue to be posted.

National Plan and Provider Enumeration System, NPPES - The National Plan and Provider Enumeration System was developed by the Centers of Medicare and Medicaid Services to assign the NPI to eligible health care providers. The NPPES will also store the information about enumerated providers. Providers may apply through a web-based application process at NPPES.

Fox Systems Inc. - CMS contracted with FOX Systems, Inc. to be the NPI enumerator. As the enumerator, FOX Systems, Inc. is responsible for processing NPI applications and updates and maintaining a helpdesk to assist with the NPI application process. Providers may prepare a paper application and send it to Fox Systems. A copy of the application, including the Enumerator's mailing address is available at NPPES. Providers may call FOX Systems, Inc. for a copy. The phone number is 1-800-465-3203 or TTY 1-800-692-2326.

Workgroup for Electronic Data Interchange, WEDI - Workgroup for Electronic Data Interchange is a health care industry group that has a formal consultative role under the HIPAA legislation. WEDI also sponsors Strategic National Implementation Process.  This process is a WEDI program for helping the health care industry identify and resolve HIPAA implementation issues. For more information, visit the WEDI website.